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Bulldogs are a unique breed that require some extra care and attention to maintain their health and happiness. In this blog, we’ll cover everything you need to know (generally) about caring for your bulldog, from cleaning their face wrinkles and tail pockets to bathing them and keeping their ears and paws clean. Whether you’re a new bulldog owner or an experienced one, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to care for your furry friend.


Bulldogs are known for their wrinkly faces and stocky builds, but these traits also mean they require special care to keep them healthy. Bulldogs are prone to a variety of health issues, so it’s important to take good care of them to prevent problems down the road.

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A Comprehensive Guide to English Bulldogs

What You Need to Know About English Bulldogs:

There was a time these squishy faced guys were bred to be fighters not lovers. Imagine that! Yes! bulldogs were originally bred for bull baiting, a cruel sport that involved setting dogs against bulls.

However, when bull baiting was banned in 1835, bulldogs were no longer needed for this purpose and their popularity as pets began to grow. Today, bulldogs are one of the most popular breeds in the world.

What is the Typical Size of an english bulldog?

English bulldogs are a medium-sized breed. Females typically weigh between 40-50 pounds. Male bulldogs can be as big as 50-70 pounds. Some can weigh as much as 100 pounds.

They have a muscular build and a distinctive wrinkled face. They are known for their friendly and affectionate nature, and are often described as being good with children and other pets.

Is it easy to take care of an English Bulldog?

In a word…No. Let me explain myself. Depending on your dog, taking care of an English bulldog is not difficult, but it does require dedication and commitment. I’ve had chase mine around the house in order to clean their faces in the past…and the paws?? Oh the drama! BUT, it HAS TO GET DONE!

If you have not had a bulldog and/or are new to the breed, let me reiterate what you’ve probably already heard…THEY REQUIRE EXTRA ATTENTION AND WORK. These guys are not like their long nosed and tails cousins like the Labs and Sheppards. You WILL get sideways looks from people after your wrinkled wonder comes back after doing his/her business and you wipe their behinds and clean out their tail pockets. These dogs have specific needs, including a special diet and grooming routines.

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Caring for Your English Bulldog: A Comprehensive Guide 1

How often should a Bulldog be bathed?

Bulldogs should be bathed once every four to six weeks, or as needed. Baths help prevent common skin issues, maintain their clean coat and skin, and are essential for their overall health. Try using an anti fungal + anti microbial shampoo like Miconahex + Triz shampoo https://prf.hn/l/kxQMOD3. Formulated to fight against dandruff, ringworms, yeast, fungus, and other bacterial infections. It’s all around good stuff in our opinion.

Cleaning Face Wrinkles

One of the most distinctive features of English bulldogs is their wrinkly faces. While these wrinkles are adorable, they also require regular cleaning to prevent infection and irritation. Here’s how to clean your bulldog’s face wrinkles:
Obviously there’s more than one way great way to do this. You have to pick what’s best for you and your furry friend.

  1. You can use a soft, damp cloth to wipe your bulldog’s wrinkles. Be sure to get in between the folds of skin.
    If your bulldog’s wrinkles are particularly dirty, you can use a mild soap or bulldog-specific facial wash to clean them.
    Rinse your bulldog’s face thoroughly with warm water to remove any soap residue.
    Dry your bulldog’s face gently with a soft towel.
  2. Use a pre soaked cleaning pad like Pet MD Chlorahexidine wipes https://amzn.to/40CEPY1. This is honestly what we do with ours. It’s just faster for us since we have to be like a swat strike team to get in and get done before he knows what hit him!

It’s important to clean your bulldog’s face wrinkles regularly to prevent infection and irritation. If you notice any redness or inflammation in your bulldog’s wrinkles, be sure to take them to the vet for treatment.

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Caring for Your English Bulldog: A Comprehensive Guide 2

Cleaning Tail Pockets

Another area that requires special attention in bulldogs is their tail pockets. A tail pocket is a small fold of skin under the tail that can trap dirt and bacteria, leading to infection and discomfort. Here’s how to clean your bulldog’s tail pocket:

Here’s where we get lucky with ours – My big boy LOVES to have his tail cleaned. All I have to do is hold up a tissue or one of those wipes and he will run (I kid you not), to his bed or drop to the floor and make sure his big ol’ butt is facing me. It’s amazing, and the complete opposite of when I go for his face or paws!!
What you want to do is basically lift your bulldog’s tail gently to expose the tail pocket.
Use a soft, damp cloth to wipe out any dirt or debris from the pocket or, if you’re like me, use one of those handy dandy Chlorahexidine pads https://amzn.to/3MdONKV I was telling you about. I truly use them everywhere.
Dry the tail pocket gently with a soft cloth. Remember the golden bulldog rule = moisture is bad. Also, keep in mind that not all bulldogs have tails that are an easy lift and clean. Many have corkscrew (pig) tails that actually go in…like my Chunky Love. I lose my entire pointer finger swishing around to clean out his tail, but he loves it so I’m all in.

It’s really important to keep your bulldog’s tail pocket clean to prevent infection and discomfort. If you notice any redness, swelling, or discharge from the tail pocket, take your bulldog to the vet for treatment. The booty scoot across the floor is another clear sign that they’re having issues back there. As funny as it is to watch, what they’re really saying is “I’m itchy and irritated, please help”.

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Caring for Your English Bulldog: A Comprehensive Guide 3

Cleaning Ears

Bulldogs are also prone to ear infections, so it’s important to keep their ears clean and dry. Here’s how to clean your bulldog’s ears:
Use a cotton ball or soft cloth to wipe the inside of your bulldog’s ears.
If your bulldog’s ears are particularly dirty, you can use a bulldog-specific ear cleaner to clean them thoroughly. Be sure to follow the instructions on the cleaner carefully. We really like the Virbac ear cleaner https://prf.hn/l/41QRaey
Dry your bulldog’s ears gently with a soft towel.
It’s important to keep your bulldog’s ears clean and dry to prevent infection. If you notice any redness, swelling, discharge, or odor coming from your bulldog’s ears, take them to the vet for treatment.

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Caring for Your English Bulldog: A Comprehensive Guide 4

Cleaning Paws

Bulldogs’ paws can also trap dirt and bacteria, leading to infection and discomfort. Here’s how to clean your bulldog’s paws:
Take the same pre soaked pads and/or cleaner of your choice on a cloth and wipe your bulldog’s paws, making sure to clean in between the toes and pads of the feet.
Dry your bulldog’s paws thoroughly with a soft towel.

How Much Should You Feed Your English Bulldog?

The exact amount of food you should feed your English Bulldog depends on factors such as their weight, age, and activity level. For English Bulldog puppies (under 12 months), it is recommended to feed 1/3 cup of food three times a day.

For adult bulldog, it is recommended to feed between ¾ cup to 1 full cup, twice per day. It is important to keep in mind that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question and it can vary based on the specific needs of your dog.

Remember! Not just any cup will do. Using a measuring cup is best. Most coffee cups or cups in your cabinet may be to big. This will result in over feeding. We learned this lesson first hand! Trust me on this one!

If you make a fist with your hand. That is the approximate size of an adult English Bulldogs stomach.

What Kind of Food Should You Feed Your English Bulldog?

The best type of food for your English bulldog is high-quality dry dog food. Wet food can be given as a treat, but it’s important to avoid giving your bulldog too much wet food as it can lead to weight gain and other health problems.

How to Avoid Overfeeding Your English Bulldog

It’s important to monitor your bulldog’s weight to ensure that they are not becoming overweight. If you’re not sure if your bulldog is at a healthy weight, talk to your vet. They will be able to give you an accurate assessment and make recommendations for feeding and exercise.

Can bulldogs be left alone during the day?

Bulldogs can be left alone during the day if they are trained properly, with most bulldogs being able to be alone for 8-10 hours. They are intelligent and mentally mature, making them suitable for being alone at home.

However, it’s recommended to gradually increase the time they spend alone to see how they react. French bulldogs, on the other hand, tend to get very attached to their owner, so they may require special training to be comfortable being alone for extended periods of time.

How Much Exercise Does Your English Bulldog Need?

English bulldogs are a relatively low-energy breed and do not require a lot of exercise. A short walk or a play session in the backyard is enough to keep them happy and healthy.

Can You Train An English Bulldog?

English bulldogs are a friendly and intelligent breed that are eager to please their owners. Basic obedience training is recommended to help you establish a good relationship with your bulldog and to prevent behavioral problems from developing.

English bulldogs are a delightful breed that make wonderful pets. With the right care and attention, they can live a long and happy life. This guide has provided you with all of the basic information you need to care.