We Love all animals, but Are proud bulldog mamas
Welcome to Bulldogmama.com, a website dedicated to being a complete resource for Bulldog Lovers.
Our dream is to build a community where Bulldog lovers can get information, guidance, tips, product recommendations and answers for the most common and not so common Bulldog questions. (Is there anything “common” about a Bulldog?)
We’re “experts” in the Bulldog world, not because of formal education but because we live it all day, everyday for decades. We don’t/won’t promote anything we haven’t personally tried or had an experience with.
As time goes on it has become clear that more is needed to be done to educate, support rescues and just generally help. There are resources out there, people just need to know how to find them. BulldogMama is supported by our readers. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. A portion of all BulldogMama earnings is donated to Bulldog Rescues in the USA.
We welcome you to BullDogMama and hope that we can help you find the support, information, resources and products you are looking for.

Our Team:
The BulldogMama.com Team
Meet Winslow, the Chief of Staff at Bulldogmama.com. Winslow, is 11 1/2 years old and was rescued from Savannah, Georgia by GEBR (Georgia English Bulldog Rescue) at the age of 2 (ish) and now lives in New York. As a subject matter expert, Winslow brings a unique perspective to Bulldogmama.com and provides valuable insights on bulldog care and welfare (and treats!). This boy takes his taste testing duties seriously!
Meet Margot, also rescued by GEBR (Georgia English Bulldog Rescue). Although she’s crossed the rainbow bridge, she is always with us. She embodied the name “Bulldog”. Margot was fearless and brilliant (honestly). She quickly became the boss of Winslow (and the rest of us!) and taught him all the things a big sister should. Her astounding use of her snaggle tooth to break into cabinets and food storage bins would make any would be thief jealous. She still inspires us and she will always be loved and remembered.